Be directionally correct rather than absolutely correct

About me
My developer journey started in a Technical Highschool in Costa Rica, where I took 3 years of computer science starting on 2017. I learned about the basics of programming. We started with LAMP stack. On the second year we learned Node js and the basics of Git and GitHub. On my senior year I coded my graduation project with .NET Core (C#) which was a full-stack app following the MVC pattern.

In my first job, I worked with a small team that created in-house automation tools for the entire organization that lived on the web under a VPN. I developed frontend, APIs and more.

I used those skills I learned, in my next job, where I would do my day to day job and also automate some of the repetitive tasks I did daily. That led me to contribute to our team in a way that others could use the tools I developed.

On 2022 I got authorized to migrate and work in the US, so I quit my last job at Kyndryl, and I have been looking for new opportunities ever since.

To stay updated, and pursue my dreams. I haven't stopped coding, learning, designing and launching new products with the hope of growing my portfolio and landing my first tech job in the US.

I want my next job to take me closer to my professional goals. For me that looks like learning more about entrepreneurship, growing a user base, building user experiences that convert, and making decisions that build an amazing product.

I have my favorite set of tools but I have proven to learn fast and adapt and I like that challenge.

Even if I was rich and had all the options in the world, I am sure I would still be coding and building good stuff.
Available for new opportunities
Even though my experience is important, I consider my projects to be equally meaningful to my career. Please check my work page.
Jan 2023 - Present
Applied to YC
I launched 3 SaaS in the past year.
I automated, integrated, and coded a lot of features by myself. I chose to keep coding while finding a job is complicated. The one common technology my projects have in common is Next js.
Mar 2022 - Dec 2022
Frontend developer
Worked on a cloud related project.
Consume apis and manage data with state manager.
Fix css and javascript bugs.
Worked on different components for new and existing features.
Mar 2021 - Mar 2022
Web developer associate
Creation of an automation toolset to optimize production time.
AEM - Web development and maintenance of web applications.
Implemented new practices to improve performance and efficiency
Oct 2019 - Apr 2021
Systems assistant
Full-stack web development with Sails js.
Rest APIs development with Node.
Open source integration of a Gitea instance.
I used Vue js in multiple applications.
All my courses are posted on LinkedIn and can be verified there.
Software architecture course
Mar 2021
Introduction to Solidity course
Feb 2022
React.js course
Feb 2021
Vue 3 course
Feb 2021
SQL and MySQL course
Oct 2020
Node js course
Oct 2020
Full-stack JavaScript development with Sails js course
Jul 2020